Drinking water and water for making baby formula

Drinking water and water for making baby formula

The quality of water is different in every country. In some, the water are pure while in others it cannot be used. So, you need to know the quality of your local waters supply. This post is written for set-up when drinking water is safe.

Up to what age should you boil babies drinking water?

Up to the age of six months all types of drinking water including mineral water (which is not sterile as many think), bottled water, tap water and home filtered water. I remind you that infants in this age are eating solid food so they are not ‘sterile’ any more.

Up to what age should you boil baby formula water?

Many health authorities recommend to boil baby formula water up to the age of 12 months.

In my opinion boiled water should be used in any case when preparing the formula at any age, even if the child receives formula when he’s over 12 months old.

A mixture of non-sterile water with the formula powder can be a very convenient growth pad for bacteria.

At what age babies need extra water for drinking?

In general, when starting weaning. When most of the formula has been replaced by solid food, then you can give the baby drinking water. You can read more of solid food introduction here.

The need for drinking extra water naturally increases during hot days and the hot seasons.

Should a child drink something else than water?

There is no need to give the child any drink other than water. No tea, no juices, no fizzy drinks and no sugary drinks.

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