Professor Naftali Freud

Professor Naftali Freud

Specialist in pediatric surgery.
Clinical emeritus professor at the Department of Surgery at the Sackler School of Medicine, University of Tel Aviv
Head of the division for pediatric and adolescent surgery at Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Israel, 2002-2019.
Head of the Israeli association for pediatric surgery, 2011-2014.
Member of the national organization for surgery, anesthesia and intensive care.
Special niche – structural abnormalities of the chest.

Contact information:
Private practice
Hours of operation
• Mondays 14:00-17:00 (must call for an appointment in advance)
• Wednesday 07:30-12:00 (must call for an appointment in advance)
Telephone number at the office: +972539956041
Mobile number: +97256414552

Street: 43 Herman Tsvi Shapira street
City: Petah tikva


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