Respiratory (lung) diseases

Respiratory diseases in children are the bread and butter of every parent and every pediatrician. From simple upper respiratory tract infection to stridor and asthma.
I hope this important chapter will help you understand these complex medical issues and get your child a proper treatment.

RSV in children and infants

Electronic Cigarettes (Vaping)

10 rules for childhood winter illnesess

My opinion about herbal cough syrups for children

Stridor (croup)

Pneumonia in children

Parapertussis – a relative of pertussis?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or cot (crib) death

Everything you need to know about the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumonia in children and adults

Breath holding spells

Pertussis – everything you need to know about whooping cough

Inhalation or inhaler – a guide for beginners

Habitual cough (psychogenic cough)