Spider angiomas in children

Spider angiomas in children

Spider angioma, is a skin condition that is relatively common, especially in children and pregnant women, and it leads to the development of red lesions on the skin that have a similar appearance to spiders.
Although their appearance can be worrying to parents, it is important to keep in mind that this finding is not usually concerning.
The following post was written by Dr Shiran Reiss Hos, an excellent paediatric dermatologist that you can find on our list of recommended physicians by Dr Efi. She will tell us all about this condition, why it develops, how to detect it and how to treat it.

What is a spider angioma?

This is a lesion that originates from the dilatation of capillaries (small blood vessels) in the skin.
It can appear anywhere in the body, but is usually found on the face, neck, hands or chest.

What causes spider angiomas to develop?

This lesion is caused by the spread of tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the skin, and it is caused by a combination of genetic factors, hormonal changes and exposure to sun.
Rarely, spider angiomas can occur as a result of liver disease, but it is important to emphasize that this is very rare in healthy children.

How can we detect this lesion?

This lesion presents as a red spot with a darker center, from which thin lines spread out like “spider feet”. That is where its name comes from.
The lesion can be flat or slightly elevated. Sometimes the lesion can change colours and turn bluish or purplish, especially if it is injured.
Usually, when you press on the lesion, it fades or blanches, and when you release the pressure, its colour returns.
It does not cause any pain or itchiness.

What is the significance of spider angiomas?

This is a benign condition, it is not dangerous and carries mainly an aesthetic significance, and therefore does not need to be treated.
In most children, the condition resolves over time or remains the same. In healthy children, this lesion is not concerning and in the rare occasion that it presents in children with complex medical conditions, I recommend consulting with the primary caretaker.

How are spider angiomas treated?

If it causes a significant aesthetic disturbance, it can be treated with laser therapy or an electric needle at the doctor’s office.
If it is thought to be due to exposure to sun, I recommend you read the chapter about sun exposure in children.

When should you reach out for a medical assessment?

When a new skin lesion presents, it is a good idea to see a dermatologist so that they can examine the lesion and determine the diagnosis. Afterwards, you should see the dermatologist for an additional examination if multiple lesions develop or if the lesion causes pain, bleeds or changes in size or shape.

In summary, this is a very common condition that is harmless. Nonetheless, any changes occurring to the appearance of the lesion warrant medical attention and assessment.

In summary:



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