How to make Amoxicillin suspension at home
This is a general question for any drug that comes in powder form, although in most cases, parents do not prepare other medications at home.
In this post, I will discuss Amoxicillin, specifically the suspension, which is available under various brand names worldwide.
Before we begin, I would like to say this –
- Start antibiotic treatment only after receiving a clear medical order and precise dosage adjustment.
- Remember that Amoxicillin should not be given to those with a penicillin allergy.
- If possible, you can take the powder you have at home to any pharmacy and ask them to help you prepare the medicine.
But if you still want to make the suspension at home, how do you do it?
It is very easy to make at home, and it is safe—as long as you follow the instructions.
What kind of water can I use for homemade Amoxicillin?
Remember that the drug is intended for swallowing. Therefore, like our food and drinks, it should be clean but not sterile, as with drugs for infusion. The manufacturer recommends using distilled water. However, before rushing to the store, note that you can use tepid water. Even if you have distilled water or saline (the kind used for IV infusions) at home, it is still better to use water that has been boiled and then cooled.
How to measure the exact amount of water?
Use syringes you have at home, even those used for other common medications. The problem with small syringes (5 CC, for example) is that you would need to fill them 14 times, each time with 5 CC, to reach 70 CC (for example). Try to be accurate, or use larger syringes (you can even measure using a baby bottle).
How much water should you add?
Check the package for the instruction: “The pharmacist will add *** CC (or milliliters) of distilled water.” Keep in mind that the amount specified depends on the type of Amoxicillin you have at home and the size of the specific package.
Mix well to dissolve the powder.
How much Amoxicillin do I need to give to the child?
That depends on what the physician prescribed.
For example, one of the most common indications for Amoxicillin use in children is strep pharyngitis. Read all there is to know about strep throat in this important chapter.
Remember, this is an antibiotic, which should only be given after a clear medical order and in the correct dose determined by the doctor based on the child’s weight and the site of infection.
Good luck!
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