Those who walk in the wrong road get to the wrong place

‘Those who walk in the wrong road get to the wrong place’ is a phrase I learned from my former teacher Professor Shay Ashkenazi. The best way to explain it would be by giving an example.

A one-year-old child has fever for 3 days. The doctor finds redness on examination of the ear and starts the child on penicillin. One day later the fever resolves but a rash, consist with Roseola(a viral infection, read more here), appears on his body. The mother rushes back to the doctor who suggests that the child is allergic to penicillin.

In this case, had the antibiotic not been prescribed, in a child suffering from a viral infection, to begin with, the doctor wouldn’t have ended up at a position where he suggests the child has an allergy.

In other words, he wouldn’t have ended up at the ‘wrong place’ because he walked down the ‘wrong road’.


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