
Dermatology is one of the main branches in pediatrics, and one of the major reasons for referral to your general pediatrician.

I hope this chapter will help you in many of these core medical conditions is pediatrics.   

Chapters of pediatric dermatology

Everything you need to know about recurrent aphthous stomatitis (canker sores) in children (and adults)

Pyogenic granuloma


Pediatric hemangioma

Bacterial skin infections

Brown recluse spider bites in children and adults

Herpetic skin infection (herpes gladiatorum)

Everything you need to know about insect bites near the eyes in children – what to do and what not to miss

Dry skin and rash around the mouth

Angular cheilitis in children

Carotenemia – the orange baby

Paronychia – an infection of the nail bed

Seborrhea in infants and children

Uncombable hair syndrome

Diaper rash or diaper dermatitis?

Bullous Impetigo – everything you need to know

A black pigmentation of the nail – Melanonychia

Baby’s acne

How many nipples does a child have?

Everything you need to know about carbuncle skin infections

Mongolian blue spots

Café Au Lait Spots

Atopic dermatitis in children

A Skin Lesion in Infants –Nevus Flammeus Simplex

Nevus sebaceous

Phytophotodermatitis – a phototoxic skin reaction

Cutis marmorata

The use of sunscreen in children – what for and why?

Everything you need to know about moles (beauty marks) in children

Bites in children (mostly mosquitos some insects and a few bees)

Scarlet fever (Scarlatina)

Chickenpox (Varicella)

Jellyfish stings in children and adults

Hair tourniquet in babies

Molluscum contagiosum (viral warts)

Guttate Psoriasis in Children

Milia – “milk spots” – a common rash in babies

Recurrent skin infections

Everything you need to know about sun fungus (pityriasis versicolor) in children and adults

Sunscreen for children – how to pick one and how to apply it

Baby’s nails

Freckles and lentigo

Herpetic infection after circumcision with direct suction

Herpes labialis (cold sore or fever blister)